New VMRO-DPMNE-led government will put particular focus on the justice system and the fight against corruption, says Risteski


The new government led by VMRO-DPMNE will put particular focus on the justice system and the fight against corruption. The judiciary will be completely freed from the executive. We will implement policies to clean up the conflict of interest in the judiciary, the present nepotism, partisanship and cronyism. Candidates for judges and candidates for court presidents will be ranked according to legal criteria. We will also regulate the procedures for taking over and transferring judges to other courts, pointed out MP candidate Petar Risteski on Monday.

“We envisage a new program for examining the fulfillment of the conditions of the professional and educational criteria for the selection of judges. We will conduct a full audit of the admission of candidates to the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors.

We envisage the dissolution and complete reform of the Judicial Council, which has so far proven vulnerable to external influences,” added Risteski.

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