Ali Ahmeti responded to a reporter’s question at the press conference where he promoted Bujar Osmani as DUI’s presidential candidate, whether they plan to boycott the elections if their presidential candidate fails to go to the second presidential election round.
But what DUI and its exponents are doing today shows that Ahmeti interprets democracy and democratic means as it suits them at the moment.
Today, Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, who is also the head of Ali Ahmeti’s cabinet, confirmed that he did the opposite of what Ahmeti said at the beginning of the campaign.
He told the media after leaving the polling station on Wednesday that he did not vote in the second round of presidential elections.
“I didn’t vote in the presidential elections because I don’t want to legitimize a president who is against the UChK, against the Ohrid Agreement, against good neighborliness with Kosovo, with Bulgaria, with Greece, against EU integration and constitutional amendments, against friendship with the USA. I do not want the future president to have the legitimacy of the votes of the democratic world here in North Macedonia, enabling the election of such a president. That’s why I used my democratic right to vote for the parliamentary but not for the presidential elections,” Grubi told reporters.