DUI believes that it has the legitimacy to be part of the new government


We are now concentrating on confirming the election results. What makes us happy is that we are an absolute winner with 19 MP seats. We believe that the legitimacy of the non-majority communities belongs to us, said Arber Ademi, head of the election headquarters of the European Front coalition led by DUI, asked by reporters what kind of opposition DUI will be, considering that the coalition of VMRO-DPMNE with the Worth It coalition is certain.
According to Ademi, the issue of legitimacy is confirmed both in political theory and through practice in heterogeneous societies where, he said, the will of citizens who are not the majority should be taken into account. He added that “it is the core of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and all the instruments provided for by that agreement, including Badenter’s majority or double majority”.
Regarding the claims of their opponents from the Worth It coalition to join the government, Ademi said that they themselves declared that the right to negotiate in the government has the one who has the most votes.

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