President Siljanovska-Davkova takes oath in Parliament and calls for unity


In the presence of politicians, ambassadors and other guests, the newly-elected President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova gave a solemn oath in which she avoided the adjective “North” from the country’s constitutional name.
Siljanovska-Davkova said that she will carry out her duty responsibly, respect the Constitution and laws, and protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Macedonia.
The new president dedicated her speech to women, who, she said, are the reason she chose to run for president, “to inspire them that it is possible for a woman, too, to become a president of the country”.
“I will respect this Parliament, I will forget the bad moments, I will remember only the good ones. I will be a president of both the left and the right side, of all citizens, I won’t divide them on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sex, or any other basis. I will attempt to justify these thousands of votes which aren’t only the best gift for my birthday, but also the greatest task and responsibility,” Siljanovska-Davkova said.

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