PPO provides forensic evidence from the scene of Tuesday’s murder in Stajkovci


Traces have been secured from the scene of the double murder in Stajkovci, Skopje, which will be the subject of an expert examination, and according to the order of the public prosecutor, the bodies of the deceased will be submitted for autopsy, the State Public Prosecutor’s Office informed on Wednesday.

The PPO informs that the public prosecutor from the Skopje Public Prosecutor’s Office, along with inspectors and an investigative team of the Ministry of the Interior and a team of forensic pathologists from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, carried out an on-the-spot inspection in a family house in the village of Stajkovci where, as he states, yesterday afternoon, the perpetrator murdered his own brother and his other brother’s wife.

The reasons are to be determined. The perpetrator has been identified and secured. He was hospitalized with injuries, the Prosecutor’s Office said.

The Ministry of Interior previously confirmed that 64-year-old V.K. and his 57-year-old sister-in-law S.K were the murder victims.

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