Siljanovska-Davkova did not commit a violation, the use of “North” in documents is hasty and premature, says Naumovski


According to former Deputy Prime Minister Vasko Naumovski, President Gordana Siljanovska=Davkova’s avoidance of saying the full constitutional name of the country in her solemn oath does not constitute any violation of the Prespa Agreement.
“What Professor Siljanovska-Davkova did, in my opinion, does not represent any violation of the Prespa Agreement, but we are put in a situation to interpret the Prespa Agreement from the point of view of Greece. What was done before, that hasty and premature implementation, in my opinion, was wrong. It may be good to make a detailed analysis of what the internal use of the Prespa Agreement should actually mean and how it should be used further. It was to be expected that our neighbors would not ignore this move, but I think that we should look a little deeper into this issue, i.e. see if in essence some provisions of the so-called Prespa Agreement have been violated or not, and what it actually means its application in documents that refer exclusively to internal use,” Naumovski said, emphasizing that Siljanovska-Davkova’s position on this issue was publicly declared already in her pre-election campaign and she remained true to what she promised to the citizens.

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