Mexhiti: There will be three or four European Front MPs in the new majority


Part of the new parliamentary majority will also include three, maybe four MPs from Ali Ahmeti’s European Front, said Izet Mexhiti, leader of the Democratic Movement, a party that is part of the the Worth It coalition. According to Mexhiti, DUI formed the European Front to survive as a factor on the political scene.
In an interview with A2 CNN, Mexhiti said that the European Front was not created on an ideological basis, but to survive and for DUI to be part of the Government.
“The European Front was not united by ideology or program, but for the survival of those parties. Now, when it is clear that they will not be in power, the mission has failed and the disintegration of the European Front begins. So I can already say that out of those 18 MPs that this Front got, three or four are almost a part of the new majority. Now I will not say their names, but there are two Turkish parties there, and the Turkish community does not have the capacity and potential to stay four years in opposition. They certainly see themselves in the future government. There are also some other MPs who are with Ahmeti, who in the past fought and killed each other, causing casualties among the Albanians and severe consequences. They are together for now, they were brought together to survive. But the mission of the European Front has failed,” said Izet Mexhiti.

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