Mickoski expects President Siljanovska-Davkova to hand the mandate on Thursday


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told a press conference on Wednesday that the negotiations for a new government are finishing up, and he expects President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova to hand him the mandate for the formation of the government on Thursday.

“The negotiations have already been finalized to a certain extent, in the part of the formation of the government departments, the negotiations have also been completed in the part of the third echelon, today they should be confirmed once again, so I expect that tomorrow President Siljanovska-Davkova will hand the mandate to the majority, which was clearly declared during the election of Gashi as Parliament Speaker, I expect to present the composition of members of the future government shortly, we are thinking a little because of certain religious holidays that are ahead of us, Remembrance Day and Ramadan, also the anniversary of VMRO-DPMNE – June 17, so we have several things that we need to agree on in the period that follows, but of course I expect the future government to be voted before the deadline that is defined according to the law and the Constitution,” said Mickoski.


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