Outgoing government borrowed EUR 25.8 million days before leaving


Two government bonds in the total amount of 1,590 billion denars (25.8 million euros) are listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange as of Friday. Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance issued an order for their issuance, the Macedonian Stock Exchange informed on Friday.
Both bonds have a nominal value of 10,000 and a repayment term of 5 and 15 years.
The five-year government bond has an issue value of MKD 590,750,000 (EUR 9.6 million). 59,075 securities were issued, with an interest rate of 4.2% due June, 2029.
The second issue is in the amount of MKD 1,000,020,000 (EUR 16.2 million). 100,002 bonds were issued and mature in June 2039. For them, the interest rate is 5.6%.

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