VMRO-DPMNE-led government will put in a lot of work to make Macedonia a prosperous country


With a strong focus on what reform means, each in its own segment, with good coordination, a lot of dedication and honesty, we will succeed in bringing back Macedonia to the level we want to see it at, which is a prosperous, developing and European Macedonia”, said MP and VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva in an interview with TV Alfa.
According to Miteva, the terrible crime and corruption shook the system of Macedonia and the incompetence demonstrated by SDSM and DUI. She pointed out that SDSM allowed everything to DUI just to be in power.
“The fact is that for too long due to DUI’s rhetoric and SDS’s policy of allowing all this to happen only for the sake of a single goal to stay in power, we have been led to a situation where we have problems and divisions in society,” said Miteva.

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