Worth it coalition: Yesterday’s constructiveness softened DUI’s radical rhetoric


It is good that a part of DUI showed that it can be a constructive opposition on the issue of reorganization of the ministries, say the Worth It coalition, adding that after boycotting the vote for Afrim Gashi as Speaker together with Levica, this is a small step towards accepting reality.
“A law on fair representation of ethnic communities in state administration bodies is part of the coalition agreement between VMRO-DPMNE and Worth It, which will contain mechanisms that will replace the balancer within a reasonable time. The establishment of an ad hoc parliamentary committee headed by an opposition MP is a good step in strengthening the control of the legislature over the executive power. The Worth It coalition expresses satisfaction that our appeals to some MPs of DUI yielded result. No personal career is more important than the secure future of Albanians in the EU,” said the Worth It coalition.

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