National Bank to hold the 51st session of the Researchers’ Club


The National Bank informs that the 51st session of the Researchers’ Club will be held on June 27, 2024 (Thursday), starting at 2 p.m., in the premises of the National Bank.

In this session, the winners of the 2024 Annual Award for Young Researchers will present their papers. As the winner of the first prize, Nikita Ristovski will present his paper: “Economic growth driven by integration: The case of the integration of North Macedonia into the European Union”. The winner of the second prize, Stefan Tanevski, will also give a presentation, who will present his paper: “Monetary policy and asset price channels in the context of the regionalization of the stock markets in the countries of the former Yugoslavia”.

The sessions of the Researchers’ Club are of an open nature and interest in attending can be expressed by sending an e-mail to the address [email protected].



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