Despotovski invites opposing candidates for SDSM leader to a debate


I invite once again all the candidates for party leader SDSM to join me in a public debate where we will present our ideas and specific reforms. This call comes as a response to the numerous requests from people from all over Macedonia that I meet and the increasing interest from the media, says TIDZ director Jovan Despotovski, who submitted his candidacy for SDSM party leader.
“There is nothing to run away from, and only through an open and transparent approach can we give people the opportunity to choose ideas and concepts, not pre-served solutions.
It is encouraging to see that my colleagues are actively promoting the key points of my reform program, especially the reform introducing the direct election of key people to party positions through immediate elections that I promoted three years ago. The strength is in the membership. There is no serving of “ready-made staff”, but the membership will choose who will represent them. This is the only way for the mayor and MP to be accountable to the people and not to the leader,” said Despotovski.

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