When it comes to the energy transition, we should keep in mind that this transition is complex and quite expensive. Whenever the reality is turned off then we make mistakes, unfortunately what is the reality actually our country is a poor country and the real question here is whether Macedonia can afford such an energy transition in such a short period without receiving support from outside? Do we have the human capacity for such a transition and can our system afford such a transition? When I talk about the social impact of the energy transition, I’m talking about the future of people who are already engaged in our coal-fired, electricity-generating facilities. The fact that more than 4,000 families currently depend on the production of electricity from thermal power plants, the thermal power plant in Bitola and Oslomej, should not be overlooked here, said VMRO-DPMNE leader and PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski at the 7th Macedonian Energy Forum (MEF) on Tuesday.
Mickoski exclusively announced the first foreign direct investment, which will be in the field of energy.
“We expect the first foreign direct investments in the country with the new government, it will be announced with a focus on the energy sector with a focus on installing a new wind park that will be in the eastern part of the country between Karbinci, Shtip and Radovish, three municipalities in the east and will be a large investment, as far as I am informed and with the data I have at the moment, the production of electricity is expected to be approximately one terawatt hour, which is one million megawatt hours, which is approximately 20% of the total electricity production in the country, and this would be the first direct foreign an investment that will be announced by the new government in Macedonia,” Mickoski pointed out.