Commission to determine whether there were any errors in the treatment of the deceased baby from Resen


The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate will initiate the formation of a commission in order to determine whether there were any errors in the treatment of the mother and the newborn from Resen who died 30 hours after birth.

The Inspectorate informs that on June 20 an extraordinary inspection was carried out in the Bitola Hospital and the Clinic for Children’s Diseases in Skopje, as well as in the private health facility “Dr. Toni” in Bitola.

“Upon admission to the Clinic for Children’s Diseases, the newborn was without heart action and breathing, a resuscitation procedure was carried out, without a response to it, and Exitus lethalis was ascertained at 4.55 pm. The cause of death is Insufitientio cardiorespiratoria”, reads the press release.

From the inspection of the neonatological documentation, it was established that the newborn was full-term and at birth had livid skin, weakened tone, weakened reflexes and bradycardia.



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