Get used to politicians who will not be seen kneeling, says Mickoski


Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that his position on the use of the constitutional name is clear and that the topic with the adjective is closed. In an interview with TV 24, Mickoski emphasizes that there is no change in his views, but that the change is that he, as prime minister, says Macedonia, and there is hypocrisy in the former prime minister who “sang North” all the time.
The Prime Minister said that he took the oath in accordance with the laws and the Constitution.
“They promised us that we would be members of the EU, we previously changed the flag, changed the Constitution, changed our name, sold a false campaign for free healthcare, which has never been worse, great education, yet it has never been worse. Instead of getting support that someone defies, that he does not humiliate the citizens with the adjective, I am the subject of an attack, from Greece because I use Macedonia in colloquial usage, and from those in opposition who have sold off everything that could be sold off, I have sworn with the adjective, because they sold out everything in the name of the EU,” stressed Mickoski.
Regarding the criticism, Mickoski pointed out that they either misunderstand the Prespa Agreement or misread it.
“I am ready to argue and debate about it. Let them get used to politicians who will not be seen on their knees begging and destroying their dignity. Nor will I be too aggressive to rename highways, airports, build monuments, but you will see me cutting ribbons, making reforms. We are not violating the agreement, according to article 1 paragraph 3 and it refers to article 7 paragraph 2 and 3, unfortunately the agreement was signed as it was signed and does not imply that in colloquial use and everyday life the adjective should be used,” added the Prime Minister.

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