Macedonian ambassador to Rome Memedi summoned for consultations


In accordance with the Law on Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade has summoned Macedonian Ambassador to Rome Vessel Memedi, for consultations the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade told reporters.Memedi is the ambassador who about two months ago sent a scandalous letter to the Italian authorities, with which he informed them that valid travel documents with the name Republic of Macedonia dated 02.12.2024 are invalid.

Unofficially, the initiative to summon him came from the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, TimchoMucunski.

The scandal involving Memedi in February met with numerous reactions in the media. A facsimile of the document with which he informed the authorities of Italy that since February 12 the passports are invalid, VMRO-DPMNE then published with a reaction that Memedi carried out moves that harmed the Macedonian nationals in Italy.

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