Success will come with changes that bring truth instead of lies, security, justice and dignity


Success will come with the changes that will bring truth instead of lies, more money for the citizens, security, justice and dignity, says VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in his New Year’s address.

The opposition leader told the citizens to have faith, to preserve their health and to gather strength, because 2021 “will be a year of changes that will bring you more pleasure, more joy, and happiness that always follows the brave.”

“The year behind us was not good. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our way of life, and bad government made life even worse.

They destroyed the economy and pushed us into a recession while selling out our identity. Instead of a European future they brought home a veto. Our democracy was trampled with criminal elections. We need to turn a new page. We need changes and the changes will come in the New Year. We will not give up. We have an obligation before our children and our ancestors to have a state we are proud of,” Mickoski said.

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