Huge damages from the fire in Strumica’s “Global”, a mass solidarity campaign to be organized


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Mayor of the Municipality of Strumica Kosta Janevski on Sunday visited the “Global” shopping center that burned down late Saturday night.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the material damages are huge and that irreparable economic damages have been inflicted on the business entities that work there.

“It is good that no one was injured, no human lives were lost and that is the most important thing, everything else is being compensated,” said Zaev and thanked the Territorial Firefighting Unit in Strumica, which extinguished the fire with six vehicles and 38 people.

“As of tomorrow, we are organizing a mass solidarity campaign to restore “Global”, with the financial support of the Government, the municipality, and the citizens, Zaev emphasized, adding that he is convinced that very soon they will bring Global to normal and all citizens who have destroyed property will be compensated.


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