Reduced work and prices in road transport, salvation in the revival of all economies


After the difficult and uncertain 2020 in conditions of pandemic, the carriers want the new 2021 to bring safe roads, increased activity in all economies in the world and, as they point out, to restore peace and tranquility in the world without the COVID-19 coronavirus.

What and how it will be in the coming period no one knows and cannot predict with certainty. For the transport of goods in road traffic, it is especially important to revive the entire economy in all countries, so that international transport can be carried out smoothly. The transport market of the country that is import-oriented cannot cover the needs of the large number of vehicles of the Macedonian carriers which is around 15,000.

The country in 2021, as the transport union says, will have to take a number of measures, legal solutions to improve the structure of the vehicle fleet of which 55 percent of the total number is obsolete, from Euro 0 to Euro 3 standard.


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