It is clear that Zaev is selling out identity in the negotiations with Bulgaria


“What is clear and what the Macedonian public can see is the fact that the Macedonian identity is being sold out and we have been talking about it since October, that there are conditions on the table that have nothing to do with the previously signed friendship agreement,” said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked about the negotiations with Bulgaria and the requests from Sofia for enabling Macedonia to get the date for the start of the EU accession negotiations.

These are conditions that directly represent the denial of the Macedonian identity, said Mickoski, answering the question about the position of VMRO-DPMNE after the latest statement of the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zahariev, who warned that Macedonia should not hope for “better things” after elections in Bulgaria.

“Since October, when we first informed the Macedonian public that something is practically being negotiated that is not part of the agreement until today, all the time everything we claimed was denied by the Government, by Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, from Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, from Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov and others, but we see that such a document exists, call it non-paper, call it ’round map’ or signpost, or call it an annex or call it whatever you want, But the fact is that this is a document that defines new conditions that we need to accept,” Mickoski said.

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