Justice Ministry announces changes to the Criminal Code after “Public Room” case


Minister of Justice Bojan Marichikj has met Saturday with Ana, who was one of the female victims exposed to online abuse in chat group ‘Public Room’ at the Telegram app.

According to the Justice Ministry, Marichikj praised her courage to speak publicly about her experience and her public appearance, which sparked strong response in the society.

Moreover, Ministry of Justice has already prepared changes to the Criminal Code, which introduces the term ‘Stalking’ as criminal offence.

, the added Article to the Criminal Code, introducing the term ‘Stalking’ which is unwanted and/or repeated surveillance by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are interrelated to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them, whereat perpetrator shall be punished with a fine, or with imprisonment of up to three years, Ministry of Justice said.

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