Taseva: Feni verdict is a direct attack on Transparency Macedonia because of the report we published


Slagjana Taseva from Transparency International in an interview with TV Telma’s “Top Tema” spoke about the lawsuit against Transparency International and about her personally, which they received after a press conference regarding the Feni case.

Namely, she pointed out that the verdict in that lawsuit came out immediately after Transparency International published the Corruption Perceptions Index, and according to her, it was an orchestrated attack and violation of the integrity of the person who conveyed the message from Transparency International.

“This situation with the announcement, it is a decision of the civil court for a defamation lawsuit filed against Transparency International Macedonia and against me as President of Transparency International for the press conference we had about the bankruptcy of Feni and that trial lasted more than two years.On November 10, the judge announced the verdict, but that first-instance court decision, which was not published on the court website, which Transparency International’s lawyer had not yet received from the court, and which appeared in the media the day after the index was published a perception of corruption that obviously to me I interpret as an orchestrated attack and an attempt to discredit and violate the integrity of the one who conveys the message. So I shared the message from Transparency International.If someone thought that way to defend the Government to defend it in terms of the fact that we are so low to show where it came from now means I think that the goal has not been achieved or that the opposite effect has been achieved because that verdict which is first instance according to which Transparency International has no passive legitimacy to be sued. However, I have been named responsible for the defamation as a natural person who came from home in front of the Transparency logo in the Transparency office to say what it thinks of Feni.None of those who published it said that it was first-rate, nor did they give the source of the information, and I think that it is not good to respond to the fact that we are in 111th place on the Corruption Perceptions Index by the one who conveyed the message is being attacked,” Taseva said.

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