Vaccination protocols to be fully followed, urges PM Zaev


I believe that steps will be taken to prevent in the future people from skipping the line for COVID-19 vaccines, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Sunday after it was revealed that a member of the administration working at the Ohrid General Hospital got vaccinated alongside health workers.

He called for the Health Ministry’s vaccination protocols to be fully followed, which envisages that health workers should receive COVID-19 shots first, followed by people with chronic illnesses.

The director of the Ohrid hospital admitted that a blunder was made in the list of staff waiting in line to receive the shot, but stressed that it was an isolated case.

The person in question is an organizational secretary working at the hospital, someone who is actively engaged in all activities involving the epidemic. We have members of the staff who are not medical workers, but are deemed necessary to ensure normal functioning of the hospital amid unprecedented conditions, Balevski said.

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