UK coronavirus strain fills up hospitals, “everything is under control” according to Health Minister


While countries around the world where the UK coronavirus is present are taking serious measures to bring it under control, in Macedonia, although this variant of the virus is gaining momentum, officials say there is no need for additional restrictive measures.

Less than a month after the first case was detected in Macedonia, the British strain gained momentum and over 50 percent of the total number are infected with this variant.

The situation is seriously deteriorating in Kavadarci where the number of hospitalized has increased dramatically, and a rapid increase in the number of people in need of hospitalization is observed in Prilep where this variant of the virus is also present. Due to the increasing number of hospitalized in this city, and the Covid centers are reopening.

The situation is getting worse every day given the fact that this variant is spreading 70 percent faster than the source virus SARS-CoV-2 and with each passing day it will be increasingly difficult to bring it under control with any restrictive measures, and Health Minister VenkoFilipche says that for the time being there is still no need for new restrictive measures because the analyzes that were done at the level of the whole country showed that there is a slight increase in the cases that need hospitalization.

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