Besa movement is leaving Zaev’s government?!


The government led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is facing the problem with numbers every day, for several days there have been attempts to form a parliamentary majority, but without success, and after the announcement that the Democratic Union and the Liberal Democratic Party will act independently, now the Albanian coalition partner says it considers leaving the coalition with SDSM.

According to the Albanian speaking INA news agency, the latest reason for tensions in the coalition is caused by the Culture Ministry. After being under control of Albanian appointees, who greatly expanded funding for cultural events linked to the Albanian heritage, SDSM is now back in charge of the Ministry and reduced spending on “Albanian events”. BESA protested that only 16 percent of the budget – a little over a million EUR – goes to Albanian groups and organizations.

BESA official SedatSulejmani holds the seat of Deputy Culture Minister and he called the annual program discriminatory against Albanians.

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