The census will be conducted  outdoors wherever there are conditions


If there are conditions for it, every opportunity should be used for conducting the census outdoors, in yards,  terraces, verandas, with mandatory wearing of a protective face mask (KN95) and a distance of at least 1.5 – 2 meters, states the Protocol for Preventive Measures in the Implementation of the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2021, which was adopted by the Government on March 2, at the proposal of the Commission for Infectious Diseases. The protocol has been determined, but the increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases in recent days has raised the question of whether the measures provided are sufficient to protect of citizens.

Some citizens are afraid to let the enumerators go home due to the increased number of cases, and the opposition VMRO-DPMNE demands a postponement of the census until September.

Head of the State Statistical Office Apostol Simovski stated that the census will be conducted in front of the citizens’ front doors or the outdoor spaces of houses and apartments.

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