VMRO-DPMNE: Friendly gesture by Serbia, shame and defeat for the government of Zaev and Filipche


The decision of the Serbian authorities to allow the citizens of Macedonia to be vaccinated in Serbia is a great friendly gesture, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

At the same time, they point out that the fact that Macedonians are forced to go to Serbia to get  the jab, because it was not provided for them in the country is a great shame and defeat for the Macedonian authorities.

“The friendly gesture of Serbia, a defeat for Filipche that allows up to 40 people to die daily from the crown alone.

Venko Filipche says that the fact that the citizens went for vaccination in Serbia is a friendly gesture of neighboring Serbia.

Yes, Filipche, it is a friendly gesture, but it is a great shame for you, for the government led by Zaev.

All those citizens who go for vaccination in Serbia, pay taxes in Macedonia, pay health insurance, and due to the inability of Filipche and Zaev are forced to travel for vaccination.

And in this situation, Filipche dares to say that this is now under control even though the death toll is around four thousand.

“But while he says next week could be critical, a census could still be conducted.

And the fact that the opposition expresses dissatisfaction and protest from the bad situation was not right, but it was right when last week he and his party friends walked, took pictures and voted for the only candidate for president of their party.

Only when Filipche and Zaev will leave, the citizens will see real care! And Filipche and Zaev will be responsible for this catastrophe they prepared for the citizens!” says VMRO-DPMNE.

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