As companies lay off people due to the coronacrisis, JSP hires additional 175 party servants


Inert Shilegov with scandalous employments in the company that is sinking in debt and lives on subsidies from the City of Skopje. While companies are firing people due to the coronacrisis, lazy Shilegov hires 175 party servants in JSP, says the VMRO-DPMNE Advisory Group.

Inert Shilegov is silent and does not comment because he was caught alive tearing apart and overemploying state institutions with party soldiers while the private sector barely makes ends meet. There is no explanation from Shilegov how even after 3 years of the law on languages ​​on the list of 175 party employments a place was found for an advisor to the director for implementation of this law. What will the director advise this councilor when JSP does not have translators, the councilors from the City of Skopje point out, and add:

Then the JSP director will get an operational director and an investment director. What investment will it bring to JSP when this company lives with the donations and subsidies of the City of Skopje?

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