VMRO-DPMNE leader accuses government of implementing quasi-reform in education guided by commissions


Digitization is not a PDF format of a textbook, but digitization is a multimedia interaction with the computer, said VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski on Monday.

“We had it envisioned in the program, but we also envisioned the textbooks, those students who cannot for some reason, not only because of lack of hardware or computer, maybe for health reasons, some child cannot sit in front of a computer and pass eight hours and thus to follow the classes and to upgrade,” said opposition leader HristijanMickoski.

“The development of children’s motor skills is through reading a book, writing. These are moments that these politicians, unfortunately guided by commissions and quasi-reforms, forget. And what is the most essential problem for us with these politicians, is that they do not conduct substantial analysis, but implement policies, and then see the negative consequences of it,” added Mickoski.

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