Carovska is pushing for anti-national and radical educational reforms, and the best thing for Macedonian education is her resignation, says opposition


MP and Secretary for International Cooperation of VMRO-DPMNE Timcho Mucunski, regarding the new educational reforms pointed out that Minister Carovska is pushing for anti-national and radical educational reforms, and the best thing for Macedonian education is her resignation.

“Minister Carovska should not look further but only at what even her predecessors from her political party in the Ministry of Education say, the best thing that can happen to Macedonian education at this moment is the resignation of Minister Carovska and the team around her who wants to redefine our attitude towards our children, towards our nation, towards what we are as Macedonians, so this is a policy that is radical, national that will lead to additional chaos,” said MP Mucunski.


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