Government considers introducing progressive and crisis tax


Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bytyqi announced the possibility of introducing a progressive tax, but, as he says, for the rich who became even richer during the pandemic, reducing personal income tax in certain sectors that suffered the most from the coronavirus, but also introducing a crisis tax.

“Tax reform means the introduction of progressive taxation. I say – why not. The crisis has shown that some rich people have become even richer. Because of my ideological beliefs, I think there should be progressive taxation. The rich have to pay and give back to the poor. If that means introducing a new tax for the poorer – I say no, because we owe it to them to get out of poverty and start living with dignity,” says Bytyqi.

The opposition, on the other hand, accuses that the tax reform that is being prepared will hit the economy and the standard of the citizens again.

“We will have a correction in the taxes, we are not looking for a solution, but we are hitting the business and the citizens again and we are increasing the taxes instead of finding a way to reduce the shadow economy and thus increase the budget revenues.

“We remain on our policy, and that is a flat tax and its reduction to a level of 8 percent”, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickovski.

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