Zaev announces frequent meetings with Bulgarian officials before June summit


PM ZoranZaev said on Sunday that the frequent contacts and meetings with the Bulgarian officials will follow aimed at reaching a solution to the dispute with Bulgaria prior to the EU summit in June, for which there is optimism that the green light will be given for holding the first intergovernmental conference.

PM ZoranZaev, accompanied by Minister of Transport and Communications BlagojBochvarski and BekimMemedi, Director of the State Roads Public Enterprise oversaw the reconstruction works of Kavadarci-Drenovo road, told reporters that frequent meetings will be held by June 22.

He also mentioned the Antalya Summit on June 17, but also the NATO summit in Brussels on June 14 as an opportunity for meetings with Bulgarian officials.

“I believe that we will hold bilateral meetings and foreign ministers are cooperating with their teams, developing a plan for cooperation. It is about a sectorial plan in all areas, and I believe we will determine it to the end. I even hope that the intergovernmental conference can be held in the coming period, and in the meantime all the necessary matters can be adopted,” Zaev said.

Zaev added that frequent meetings and approaching a solution could help, in positive outcome which is expected on June 22 for holding of the first intergovernmental conference.

Referring to unserious comments by the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party HristijanMickoskiin regard to the dispute with Bulgaria, Prime Minister ZoranZaev told reporters Saturday that they can only cause negative effects and block North Macedonia’s EU integration process.

He reiterated that no secret or different talks are being held and that the Portuguese proposal is on the table, and that it is a good basis for us to find a solution to the bilateral dispute with Sofia.

“We have said publicly on numerous occasions in Brussels, while meeting with the EU foreign policy chief JosepBorrell, Vice-President of the European Commission FransTimmermans and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and other EU officials, including the presidents and prime ministers of EU member states, that we won’t enter talks if the intention is to put the Macedonian language and identity on the table,” Zaev noted on Saturday.

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