Opposition MP says that “when there is no honest dialogue, then the solution is out on the street”


When there is no honest dialogue, then the solution is the street and it is a completely legitimate right to protest and take to the streets for essential issues. We do not come out pro forma, but with serious demands, because in previous years we gained a lot of distrust from this government. It is not only the distrust of VMRO-DPMNE towards this government but also from the people and we hear the voice of the people.

A very serious essential issue in a very sensitive period for the state that is happening. This was stated by the President of the Union of Women of VMRO-DPMNE and Member of Parliament ZhaklinaPeshevska told Alsat in a TV interview, discussing the blockades organized by VMRO-DPMNE under the motto “Enough is enough, Come out for Macedonia”.

She reminded that the MPs of the majority refused to debate on this topic when the MPs of VMRO-DPMNE initiated a debate in the Foreign Policy Committee in order to build a common position in response to the declaration voted in the Bulgarian Parliament.

“A while ago, in the Parliament, we initiated a debate in the Foreign Policy Committee. If you remember correctly, I will remind the public, then we twice called the MPs from the majority to build a common position in response to the memorandum or declaration voted by the Bulgarian Parliament at the time and I think we should have a responsibility to the people. Unfortunately, the colleagues from the majority did not respond to the invitation at that time with the explanation that they do not feel the need to comment on it,” Peshevska said.

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