Arsovski after the SCPC decision: We will seek justice in court through criminal charges against Dzolev and Sandev


On the very day when I submitted the complaint and the request for determining the conflict of interests with the lay judge Mitko Sandev to the Anti-Corruption Commission, I mentioned that we already expect and know what the outcome will be, but we still submitted a request to the institution to whiten its face. that is, he has no cheek because he behaves like a party office of the government, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski.

“The answer, i.e. the opinion of Anticorruption reached today, where they state that there is no conflict of interest with Mitko Sandev in his position. Why did we submit a request and a complaint to establish a conflict of interest, because in the Pensioners ‘Party, Mitko Sandev is a member of the statutory commission, and the Pensioners’ Party is in a coalition with SDSM and the government. This is a sufficient indicator that he cannot decide impartially, especially since this short opinion of the Anti-Corruption Commission lists two members. These are Article 42 that a juror can be elected any adult citizen who has at least secondary education, speaks Macedonian and is not older than 60 years and the second Article 43, paragraph 1 that in the election of judges and lay judges must not be discriminated against in terms of gender, race, skin color, national and social origin. I must mention that this Anti-Corruption Commission, its members have shown and proved that they are ready to resign because they are just one office of the government and decide as they will be told by their mentors,” said Arsovski.

Article 52, paragraph 6, of the Law on Judges, he added, clearly states that a lay judge shall not be elected if he/she is politically determined, i.e. he/she must not be politically determined.


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