VMRO-DPMNE expects parties to observe legal and constitutional deadline – first round of the local elections takes place on Oct. 17


The date for the local elections is not determined by any politician, including the PM. The local elections are held at an exact date according to the Constitution and the laws, namely October 17,” MP Antonio Miloshoski regarding the proposal of Prime Minister ZoranZaev for the polls to be held on October 31.

According to him, all other options would breach the Constitution and the laws, adding that “intra-party and coalition calculations of DUI, SDSM, BESA and smaller parties should not be the problem of the state and the people”.

“This would unlawfully extend the mandate of mayors and municipal councilors. VMRO-DPMNE expects all political parties to observe the constitutional and legal deadline, which is October 17 for the first round of the local elections,” noted Miloshoski.

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