Shilegov’s illegal construction will be demolished immediately after the change of government, the society should be cleansed of criminals, says VMRO-DPMNE


The illegal construction built by Shilegov will be demolished immediately after the change of government, the society should be cleansed of criminals, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release.

The institutions have been silent for days about the luxurious illegal construction of Petre Shilegov. If it was an illegal construction of an ordinary citizen, it would have been demolished by now, but when it comes to an SDSM official, the inspectors are nowhere to be found. The institutions are silent before the crime of the outgoing mayor Petre Shilegov. For twenty days it has been publicly stated that Petre Shilegov changes documents in the Cadastre on a non-working day on Saturday. VMRO-DPMNE points out for days that Petre Shilegov reported property owned a luxury villa of 300mW with 4 times lower value. For twenty days every day it is publicly pointed out that Petre Shilegov has cars worth 130,000 euros, which are not reported in the questionnaire, said the opposition party.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office must start working after received information. And the silence of the institutions only means complicity and abuse. Petre Shilegov is already a finished story. Shilegov must stop avoiding answers and responsibility, reads the party’s press release.

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