Arsovski: Shilegov – Veskovski rigged a tender, first completed the procurement, then announced a tender – the winner is the company that already completed the work


Huge scandals and terrible crimes and violations of laws were made by SDSM cadres in the institutions they govern. Starting from the central government, then Petre Shilegov in the City of Skopje, and after him the directors of the public enterprises. There is no order, no order, only crime. We are witnessing all this every day, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski.

Today we will announce a huge scandal about how tenders are set and how SDSM companies work and pump out citizens’ money. Once again, I want to ask the public, but also the institutions to closely monitor this case these days. Namely, what is it about? JP Vodovod i Kanalizacija, the director who was until recently the third person in the party and one of Petre Shilegov’s pets, Dushko Veskovski, every year as a director concludes a framework agreement for works and reconstruction, extension and replacement of water supply networks. So last year, PE Water and Sewerage, Dushko Veskovski signed a framework agreement based on a tender with five companies, in April 2020. The value of the tender for reconstruction of the water supply network is around 2 million euros without VAT every year. Now, after signing this framework agreement, for each reconstruction of any network that wants to make PE Water and Sewerage, there must be a tender between these 5 companies, ie selecting the most favorable bidder and a negative bidding is made, ie a single The condition is to have the lowest price and the most favorable bidder among these five companies for reconstruction of a certain network. The company that will be the subject of interest these days, watch out for one of these five companies that signed a framework agreement, namely the company KBK Engineering, whose owners are known and considered to be very close to SDSM as a party,” says Arsovski.

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