Greek intelligence prevented an assassination attempt on ZoranZaev?


Greek intelligence services and the Government prevented an assassination attempt on PM ZoranZaev, a few months after the signing of the Prespa Agreement in the summer of 2018 and before the parliament passed an amendment to the Constitution with 80 votes.

This was published in Sunday Tonight by a source close to the then Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The source was at the same time an informal link with the secret services and the Ministry of Defense, which played a significant role in the whole case, Greek media report.

According to the source, after the ratification of the Prespa Agreement by the parliament in Skopje with 69 votes on June 20 (the agreement was signed on June 12), political tension reached its peak in the neighboring country.

Diaspora organizations from Australia and Canada are expressing their anger, and will reportedly fund the negative reactions in Skopje, but they also have funds channeled to “secure” the attack.

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