Chamber of Commerce President: The electricity will “shake” us 24/7 in the coming period  


Despite the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply of electricity in the coming years will be an issue that we will deal with 24/7, predicts the President of the Chamber of Commerce Branko Azeski.

Azeski points out that the price of electricity on the Budapest Energy Exchange (HUDEX) for the last 12 months has risen, from 57 euros per megawatt hour on 1.01.2021, to 138 euros per megawatt hour on 27.09.2021. According to all relevant information, the reason for this is: the green agenda in Europe and the reduction of energy produced from coal, the relatively low production of wind farms in Europe, the rapid growth of markets in the past quarter and the enormous rise in natural gas prices on world markets. This, he points out, begins the problem that we will probably deal with for a long time.

According to Azeski, the experiences from the pandemic has taught us that in such crises everyone puts themselves first, while international solidarity comes second.

”These days I am overwhelmed with letters from the member companies of the Chamber whose cancellation of the supply contracts, duly signed, timely agreed, which violates the basic principle of our work, and that is predictability. The enormous increase in the prices of raw materials in the past period, but also the increase of the input elements that create the production price of electricity are the initial capsule for the current stock exchange prices that reach up to 185 euros per megawatt hour”, says Azeski.

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