Closely monitoring price situation, actions to be taken if necessary, claims Economy Minister


Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi said Thursday that the possible actions for price freezing are not overdue adding that the predictions on price hike by 50% by end of the year are incorrect.

“We are closely monitoring the situation and depending on price movement of raw materials in the area of import and production of our products, if there are price shocks, we will take necessary actions, referring to the law on wholesale and retail trade as already we did the previous year when we did not allow an enormous price hikes,” Besimi told reporters after signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with the national network of women entrepreneurs.

He noted that this would especially refer to the prices of basic products according to the consumer basket.

“We will see if there will be an increase in the prices of those products. We are closely monitoring the situation and if there are big price shocks we will immediately act as the Ministry of Economy and decide to freeze prices,” Bekteshi said, adding that similar decisions had already been made during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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