MoI Minister: Local elections held in democratic atmosphere, less incidents reported compared to 2020 elections


Sunday’s local elections took place in serious and fair atmosphere. Once again, voters demonstrated their maturity in deciding for the future of their country, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski told a news conference.

The Interior Ministry hasn’t registered any serious disruption of the voting process, Spasovski said.

“Until 7 pm, a drop in the number of reported incidents was registered by 40 percent compared to the July 2020 elections. Namely, 91 incidents were reported this year whereas 150 incidents in last year’s elections,” he said.

Police reports involving the elections include vote buying, voters’ intimidation, taking photographs of ballots and voters and shooting a video at a polling station. Most incidents were reported in Skopje, followed by Shtip, Kumanovo, Bitola, Tetovo, Veles, Ohrid and Strumica.

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