Education is the cornerstone of any social development, we need renewal


We need renewal of our country and we need results. Education an dculture are
areas which must receive the necessary attention, they are the corner stones of our
society and our recognizable characteristics, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan
He once again refers to the promised measures in education if his party wins in the
snap parliamentary elections.
These are the party’s pre-election promises: Construction of new 20 and
reconstruction of 50 schools; higher incomes for university staff (up to 100.000
denars for full-time professors, up to 80. 000 denars for associate professors, 60.000
denars for associate professors, up to 45 .000 for faculty assistants); higher salaries
for teachers in primary and secondary education; salary up to 36,700 denars
according to the Collective Agreement’ more money in education; increase
investment from 3.7% to 5% of GDP; construction of new theaters in Prilep, Ohrid
and Skopje; VAT reduction from 18 to 5% in culture; promoting the Macedonian
language as our identity, etc.

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