Possibility of introducing vaccine mandates is not excluded, says Filipche


Health Minister Venko Filipche said Wednesday after the Government decided Tuesday to introduce another vaccination incentive – Family doctors will be given 30 denars per vaccinated patient if 70 percent of their patients get a COVID-19 shot.

“Family doctors are the ones who are in direct contact with patients, who turn to them for health care and advice,” Filipche said. “In that sense, this measure is well thought out and can be realistically implemented.”

The possibility of introducing vaccine mandates was not excluded, Filipche said, but health authorities were following the examples of other countries and learning from their experiences in the coming period. As he pointed out, lockdown and new restrictions in the country are not planned, but are not excluded.

“Lockdown is not an option, but we do not know what could happen. Therefore, the scope of such appeals must be implemented. It is not excluded that the vaccine will be mandatory, but because of this method with the family doctors, we want to increase the number of vaccinated citizens,” said the Health Minister.

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