Marichikj is likely to be the new Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration


BojanMarichikj will likely be the new Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, a senior government official confirmed for TV 24. Apart from Marichikj, there will probably be a new Deputy Prime Minister for Fighting Corruption, while FatmirBytyqi will remain Vice President for Economic Affairs.

Marichikj’s rotation is just one of the changes in the departments for which, according to the same official, the future prime minister-designate DimitarKovachevski is planning. In other possible rotations, LjupchoNikolovski was also mentioned for the ministerial post of defense.

New names that are expected in the executive branch that Kovachevski insists on taking greater responsibility are the vice president in SDSM SanjaLukarevska. It is also certain that SlavjankaPetrovska, who played one of the key roles for SDSM in the caretaker government last year, as an additional minister in the Ministry of Interior, will also leave the parliamentary seat.

However, it has not yet been decided whether she will go to some of the ministries or get one of the director positions in the security agencies. If she becomes a minister, several departments are in play, including justice, as well as the Ministry of Interior, in case Kovachevski decides that Oliver Spasovski should leave the ministerial position, especially after the defeat in Kumanovo at the local elections.

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