Because of the corrupt SDSM and DUI, Macedonia is among the most corrupt countries in Europe, accompanied by African countries  


Due to the corrupt SDSM and DUI, Macedonia is among the most corrupt countries in Europe, in the company of African countries, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Wednesday.

“Macedonia is again on the list of Transparency in the company of countries such as Senegal, Vietnam, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. The bad ranking is due to the big corruption scandals of the government. The case of running after vaccine fees remains unclear, nor the disappearance of Vice’s name from a criminal charge of racketeering in the REK, there is no responsibility for any corruption scandal or crime in which people in power are involved. Even last year, it was not determined who was wiretapping in the Public Prosecutor’s Office, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

“The Government does not intend to fight corruption, it is the cause of it. Radical reforms and a resolute fight against crime are needed, with SDSM and DUI this is not possible. That is why snap elections are needed, and a government that will be reform-oriented and have a clear agenda to fight corruption and crime,” the party said.



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