VMRO-DPMNE: With 30 MPs less, the state will save up to a million euros a year


VMRO-DPMNE proposes reducing the number of MPs in the Macedonian Parliament from 120 to 90. The party points out that 120 MPs in the Parliament is too big, so it is necessary to reduce it to 90 for a functioning democracy and reduction of financial costs, citizens’ money. There is such an example of Parliament of 90 MPs in the Republic of Slovenia.

“For the number that will be reduced in the Macedonian Parliament, 30 MPs, the citizens pay 51,000 euros per month on the basis of salaries and allowances, and 612 thousand euros per year. If we take into account that the people’s representatives are also paid for travel expenses, the state pays almost one million euros annually. For one million euros, saved annually, the state can procure over 15 ambulances and 10 firefighting trucks for the citizens,” VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.

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