Parliament approves minimum wage hike proposal in first reading with 101 votes “in favor”


101 members of Parliament voted in favor, with no votes against, the proposed increase in the minimum wage to EUR 300 a month. The law passed in its first reading and is now sent before the Labour and Welfare Committee. The law would set the minimum wage to 57 percent of the average wage, leading to likely automatic increases in the future.

The increase of the minimum wage at the parliamentary session was explained by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska, who said that it was submitted after a constructive discussion at the Socio-Economic Council with trade unions and employers.

“After three sessions of the Socio-Economic Council and the constructive discussion, we brought together the most constructive solution for increasing the minimum wage. It is a confirmation that together with the social partners we make decisions in the interest of the workers,” Trenchevska said.

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