Single mothers protest march: An end to the ignorance of the Centers for Social Work and defining the status of a single parent


Single and single-parent families are facing serious problems in the competent institutions and that is the reason why the NGO “One Can” went on a peaceful march in the center of Skopje. Single mothers cannot exercise their rights due to corruption of institutions and unprofessional staff resulting in the fact that despite the verdicts they cannot see their children, said those present at the march, which began in “Woman Fighter Park” and ended in front of the Ministry of Labor and social policy.

The participants asked for support from state institutions, an end to the ignorance of the employees in the centers for social work, defining the status of a single parent and support for children from a single parent family.

“Our struggle has been going on for almost a decade. After all the legal mechanisms we used, we were left with only this. We take to the streets on behalf of every single mother and single-parent family in the country and ask for support from state institutions. “We want to define the status of self-sufficiency and treatment based on status, not based on impossibilities,” said Doroti Pachkova from “One Can”.

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