Mickoski urges authorities to declare state of emergency and proposes a set of anti-crisis measures


What is necessary right now is a set of anti-crisis measures for the citizens’ health and to aid the affected economy, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said at today’s press conference and urged the authorities to declare a state of emergency.

Mickoski said that the party proposes an additional set of measures to protect the health of citizens, which include procuring antiseptic means and their placement in public circulation areas which citizens will freely use, procuring free masks and gloves for the citizens, establishing an expert body which will help state institutions to implement strict control of any abuses of defining high prices for the sale of masks, antiseptics and other preventive aids, providing free assets to protect workers at high risk of coronavirus infection, reducing the work of the state administration, with half of the administration being released from and making a cyclical work schedule of the state bodies, increasing human capacities in healthcare facilities directly responsible for dealing with the consequences of the coronavirus, setting up a 24-hour hotline for consultation and questions related to the virus, establishing a special state control body whose sole task will be to oversee and control the implementation of the preventive measures, one-time monetary assistance and completely free treatment for those suffering from the virus.

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